User Manual

You'll get one movement that's too slow and then you'll add a pair and it will fall too fast.
When that happens, take o the last pair of weights that you added.
Tighten down the weights so they don't slide around.
To get the perfect count, slightly lower Central Post that aaches the Base Plaorm with the
weights, unl you get the ‘one-one thousand, two one thousand’ count to vercal posion.
Fine-tune the le-right, forward-backward balance. You will have to go back and forth
between the two direcons to get the balance just right. Loosen the screw sets that allow the
sled to move le and right. Adjust the top plate so that it is centered and ghten down the
Repeat for forward-backward balancing.
Check to see if your camera is sing level. If not, repeat the necessary steps unl it does.
Pracce walking movements ensuring your body moon is not transmied to your hands and
then to stabilizer and camera.
Holding your Flycam Stabilizer
When handling your Flycam 5000 Stabilizer, one hand holds onto the handle while other is used
to gently guide the camera in direcon you wish to shoot and frame shot. For normal shoong,
hold the handle in middle.
For normal shoong, hold the handle in middle.
For shots that require framing the camera up, down or sideways, hold the handle rmly at
This will allow the yoke part of gimbal to rotate without hing your hand or knuckles.
Bearing Maintenance: The main bearing on stabilizer is aached to Central Post about two
inches from top. It is of metal construcon and parally enclosed by bearing assembly. If aer a
period of me your bearings don’t turn smoothly, lubricate with a minimum quanty of light
lubricang oil. It can also be used on the Yoke and Handle Bearings. Be sure to keep oil away
from your camera, & clean up any over spill.
Cleaning: Do not use solvents or harsh cleaners of any kind on your stabilizer. If the unit
becomes dirty, use a damp so cloth or sponge with mild detergent to gently clean external
Storage: Should you need to store your Flycam 5000 stabilizer for a long period of me, then
place the unit upright in a dry or low-to-normal humidity area whenever possible. If you are
unable to nd this kind of environment then we suggest you store the unit in an airght plasc
bag. Standing the unit upright is preferred as it alleviates stress on the system.