User's Manual

There are 4 types of steering control:
Font side: Front wheel steering. (Default)
Rear side: Rear wheel steering.
Same phase: Front and rear steering at the same time,
when turning a direction all the wheels will turn the
same direction.
Rev. phase (Reverse Phase): The front wheels and back
wheels are both involved in the turning process however,
the rear wheels will always turn the opposite direction to
the front wheels.
To set the steering mix:
Select the desired method of steering, the system shows a preview of the steering method on the
screen in real-time when moving the system wheel.
To reset this function, select the reset icon located at the bottom middle of the screen.
6.5 Throttle Neutral
This function can set a “dead zone” for their throttle control, this means that the throttle will not
function while still within the dead zone. It is also possible to set up the initial amount of throttle that will
be applied when the throttle leaves the dead zone, although this can only be set for driving forward, not
in reverse.
To set the throttle neutral:
Dead zone
To setup the dead zone select the dead zone option at the left side of the screen, and use the wheel
at the bottom of the screen to change the value. The current percentage will be shown above the
graph, labeled as dead zone.
First select [
], next move the wheel to set its value.
Once finished setting up these functions, press the back icon located at the bottom right of the screen to