User's Manual

6.8 A.B.S.
A.B.S. stands for auto breaking system, and is designed to stop the wheels from locking (which can lead
to loss of control or a skid). A.B.S. manages this by regulating the amount of pressure the breaks use, this
is done by pumping the breaks on and off rather than a constant force.
This function must be active to work, if the icon at the bottom left corner is not showing a tick, select it.
When a tick is shown the function is active.
As a square wave, the peaks representing break on ,and the drops break reduction.
Trigger point: Changes the point in which the A.B.S. will kick in. The trigger point is represented as a white
line on the graph. To change the position of the trigger point use the wheel at the bottom of the screen.
Break return
Controls the amount the break will back off from full break, if set to 50
percent then when the breaks are active, the pulse will remove 50 percent
of the breaks strength on each pulse.
Here the pulses are shown as a square wave, the peaks being break on,
and drops being reduction in breaking. As the break return function is
edited the square wave will change to represent the current return value.
To edit this function simply use the wheel to change its value, as the
value is changed the graph will show a new wave form in real time. To
test apply the brakes, the graph should show another red waveform
representing the current real-time effect. Below the graph is a bar that
shows the breaking position in real time, when this function is active and
the break is applied the green bar will bounce, this is normal and is just
showing the A.B.S. in action.
This determines how long it takes for the A.B.S. system to take effect. At
a setting of 0% the A.B.S. system will take effect as soon as the break is
applied, however the higher the percentage the longer it will take for the
A.B.S. to kick in.
Cycle length
Increases or decreases the time between pulses, in this menu the A.B.S.
function will be shown as a square wave, the peaks representing break on
, and the drops break reduction.