User's Manual

User instructions
On Air
6.2 Alarms/Warnings/Status list
A task called “Alarms Managing” monitors all physical and logical quantities.
Each of them is sampled and processed by a combinatorial network to evaluate if an
alarm (or a warning) must be activated.
This task and the ALC management have the same high priority for having a constant
monitoring of the entire apparatus and intervene quickly.
The last alarms occurred are stored in a list with the time and date of the occurrence.
All events that may be occur are listed on next pages.
An event of this type means that a malfunctioning
is occurring and maintenance could be necessary.
However, the apparatus will attempt to minimize
the failure by itself applying suitable algorithms.
An event of this type means that a temporary irre-
gular condition is occurring.
Normally, there isn’t an important failure and the
apparatus will recover its functionality by itself
applying suitable algorithms.
An event of this type notifies the operating condi-
tion of the apparatus and doesn’t mean that a mal-
functioning is occurring.