Water Pump User Manual

Doc No: OMM50000903
Rev: B Page 25 of 65
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6. Using a socket wrench with a long
extension, remove the hex piston nut
(42) from the piston/crosshead rod
(7). This nut secures the piston
assembly to the piston/crosshead rod.
7. Following the hex piston nut (42)
removal, use the FMC piston tool
(A5049) to pull the piston assembly
from the cylinder (39). Insert the FMC
piston tool inside the cylinder until
flush with the face of the slotted piston
retainer nut (43). Twist the tool to
engage and lock the tabs of the tool
inside the mating slots in the retainer
8. Pull the piston assembly free of the
pump using a combination pulling and
twisting motion.
9. Place the flats on the bottom of the
piston holder (41) in a vice or clamp
securely. Using the FMC piston tool,
unscrew the piston retainer nut (43)
and remove. The piston cup (40) and
piston retainer (44) may now be