
cation of the gas setting.
An ejection of cases
to a distance of 1.50-2 m from the rifle and
45” in relation to the barrel axis can be
considered normal.
Violent ejection shows
that too much gas is being admitted and, in
this event, the gas escape must be increased.
On the contrary, weak ejection shows that
insufficient gas is being taken in and, in this
case, the gas escape should be reduced.
The rifle is zeroed, i.e. the sights are correctly
adjusted, before issue to the user but it may require
some attention to correct for elevation and direc-
tion to suit individual needs.
Such correction must be done by
or on instructor, who will have the spe-
cial tools to do this.
a) Correction for Elevation
Errors in elevation are corrected by screwing the
foresight up or down. If it is screwed up, the
M. P. I. will be moved down and vice-versa.
A spring detent locates and holds the foresight
in position, which forms a clicking device with the
16 equal divisions serrated under the foresight col-
lar; this assists the armourer when calculating
movement of the M. P. I. Moving the foresight
1 division (or click) is equal to a variation in
M. P. I. of 1 cm at 100 metres (approx.
109 yds).
b) Correction for Direction
Errors in direction are corrected by moving the
backsight to the right or left.