
The materials revolution,
or the rediscovery of flax
The cone of a loudspeaker is
a key mechanical component.
Its characteristics have a direct
impact on the sound quality. Its role
could not be simpler: it makes the
air molecules vibrate in response
to the electrical signal from the
An ideal cone should be light, for
rapid acceleration, stiff so as not
to distort the sound, particularly
in the bass, and finally, damped -
that is to say neutral - so as not
to add sound colouration from its
component materials.
Focals reputation derives from its
unique mastery of the loudspeaker,
the fruit of multiple innovations:
notable among them, the sandwich
structure cone, introduced in the
mid-80's. Numerous developments
over time led to the "W" sandwich
cone which, more than 18 years on,
is still an unequalled benchmark.
Developed for Utopia, this
patented technology meant that
from then on Focal was able to
sculpt the response curve right
back to the original source, unlike
competitors who always had to
employ electrical corrections
which did nothing to eliminate the
intrinsic weaknesses of the cone.
Unfortunately, as the only way to
build these "W" sandwich cones
is by hand, their cost means they
cannot be used in more affordable
products. In addition, the single-
material solution is just not
enough to meet all requirements.
This is why Focal has been
continually exploring innovations
in materials science. Over recent
years, ecological conscience playing
no little part, hybrid materials have
appeared blending composites
chemistry with natural fibres, flax
being foremost among them.
French flax fibre is one of the best
in the world, thanks to the very
particular climatic conditions found
in Flanders, Picardy and Normandy.
Using this, and the multiple benefits
of flax, as a starting point, we
have developed a new technology,
the "Flax Cone". Flax fibre, a product
known from antiquity, has superlative
mechanical characteristics: low
elasticity at 1.5%, which approaches
that of carbon fibre, with rigidity
close to Kevlar, at 60 GPa.
Sandwiched between two sheets
of glass fibre, flax’s inelasticity
works wonders, endowing the
cone with remarkable stiffness.
Composed of 80% cellulose, flax
fibre is hollow, making it ideal for
combining neutrality and lightness.
By adjusting the flax braid’s
density it is also possible to
maximise stiffness, in a woofer
for example, or lightness and
damping in a midrange speaker.
More details on our website
Fiber glass 0,04mm
Flax 0,4mm
Fiber glass 0,04mm
> Flax sandwich
Details for midrange driver