User Guide

Frequency Response
At minimum gain (0 dB)
-0.5 dB at 10 Hz,
-1 dB at 135 kHz, relative
to 1 kHz
At maximum gain (+60 dB)
-6 dB at 10 Hz,
-1 dB at 115 kHz, relative
to 1 kHz
CMRR (Common Mode
Rejection Ratio)
-94 dB for mic input at 60 Hz for max. output = +24 dBu
-91 dB for mic input at 10 kHz for max. output = +24 dBu
Crosstalk Channel to
Mic input, with I/P = 0 dBu, gain = 0 dB @ 1 kHz input to channel A,
channel B output = -85 dB
Line Input Response
Gain Range
-20 dB to +10 dB in 10 dB steps, plus 0 dB to +20 dB continuously
variable trim
Input Impedance 10 kΩ from 10 Hz to 200 kHz
Noise at main output with gain at unity
(0 dB) measured with 50 Ω source
impedance and a 22Hz - 22 kHz band
pass filter
-97 dBu
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Measured with 50 Ω source impedance
and a 22 Hz-22 kHz band pass filter
121 dB relative to max
output +24 dBu
Total Harmonic Distortion
+ Noise
Measured with a 0 dBu input signal,
+10 dB of gain and a 22 Hz-22 kHz band
pass filter
< 0.002% at 1 kHz
Frequency Response At unity gain (0 dB)
-0.3 dB at 10 Hz,
-1 dB at 80 kHz, relative
to 1 kHz
Crosstalk Channel to
Line input, with I/P = 0 dBu, gain = 0dB
@ 1 kHz input to channel A
Channel B output
= -91 dB