User Manual

Recording a line-level source
To record a line-level signal with ISA One, carry out the following steps:
Connect the line-level signal, using either an XLR or a ¼” TRS Jack cable, to the appropriate LINE I/P on the rear panel
Select LINE as the input source using the INPUT switch
Set the gain of the line signal using the two dials on the front panel and observing the VU meter or left-hand LED meter.
The stepped gain dial sets the level in 0dB steps, with the Trim dial adding a further 0dB on top
The line-level signal will then be sent to the MAIN O/P on the rear panel, as well as to the rst channel of the ADC (if installed).
Recording an instrument
To record a guitar or bass with ISA One, carry out the following steps:
Plug the instrument directly into the DI input on the front panel
Connect the AMP output on the front panel to your guitar amp if one is in use
Set the gain of the instrument using the GAIN dial
Use the right-hand Z IN switch if wanting to obtain more or less level or high frequency from the instrument (see the Mic Preamp
Input Impedance section for details)
Even with MIC or LINE selected by the INPUT switch, the (direct) instrument signal will then be sent to the DI O/P on the rear panel
(this is always the case, regardless of settings), as well as to the second channel of the ADC (if installed). Without INST selected
by the INPUT switch, the level of the instrument can be viewed on the right-hand LED meter. If wanting to record the direct and
amplied guitar, a microphone can then be used simultaneously with ISA One for that purpose (see the next section for details).
Select INST using the INPUT switch if wanting to route the instrument signal through ISA One’s main recording path. The benet’s of
this include:
The Insert can be used to add effects and additional processing
The VU meter can be used to view the signal, in addition to the LED meters
The EXT I/P can be used for monitoring and digital conversion
Clean and effected versions of the instrument can be recorded using the DI and MAIN outputs, respectively
Two-channel recording options
ISA One can be used to record an instrument and a mic or line signal simultaneously. This is because, with MIC or LINE selected
using the INPUT switch on the front panel, an instrument connected to the DI Input will still be fed to the DI O/P (on the rear panel)
and to the ADC (if installed and nothing is connected to the EXT I/P).
For example, a recording setup that uses this could be one where a guitar player and vocalist are to be recorded at the same time. In
this instance, the vocal would be recorded using a microphone connected to the MIC XLR Input on the rear panel, with MIC selected
using the INPUT switch on the front panel. This signal is then sent to a recording medium using either the MAIN O/P on the rear
panel or an output on the optional ADC (if installed).
At the same time, the guitarist could be plugged in directly to the DI Input on the front panel. The guitar signal (now balanced and
with lower output impedance) can then also be sent to a recording medium, this time from the DI O/P on the rear panel.