Owner's Manual

Example of Usage
The Scarlett 18i20 is an excellent choice for several different recording and monitoring applications.
Some typical configurations are shown below.
Recording a band
(Front Panel)
(Rear Panel)
Engineer’s Headphones
Musicians’ Individual
foldback mixes
Stereo Keys
This setup illustrates a typical configuration for recording a group of musicians with DAW software
on Mac or PC.
A selection of sources microphones, a guitar and DI boxes are shown connected to the Scarlett
18i20’s inputs. Note that only Inputs 1 and 2 can be configured to accept instruments directly, so we
have chosen to plug the guitar into Input 2. Ensure the INST button is pressed and the INST LED is
The connection to the PC or Mac running DAW software is via the USB cable supplied. This will carry
all the input and output signals between the DAW and the Scarlett 18i20. Once the audio setup is
correctly configured in the DAW, each input source will be automatically routed to its own DAW track
for recording.