Owner's Manual

Each input channel has the following features:
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1. Input identifier – this is the actual physical input to the channel.
2. Custom name – you can click this field and enter a name – e.g., the instrument in question –
of up to 11 characters.
3. Fader – use this to adjust the level of the signal in the mix. Note that the default setting for all
faders is 0 dB, while “fader max” is at +6 dB. Double-clicking in the fader “slot” will set the
fader at 0 dB.
4. Fader value – a numeric readout of the current fader position.
5. M – click this button to mute/unmute the channel.
6. S Solo button. Clicking this will let you hear just this channel, replacing the mix that was
there previously. This is very useful function during recording as it allows the engineer to
check the instrument being recorded without the distraction of the rest of the tracks. The
Solo function does not alter any other signal routings, and does not interrupt the signal being
recorded into the DAW.
7. Pan slider. This control is only available when the mix is being routed to a stereo output.
Its default position is central, and the signal in the channel is then sent at equal levels to
both outputs of the stereo pair. Moving the slider either way sends a higher signal level to
one output than the other, thus making it possible to “position” individual instruments at
particular place in the stereo image. Double-clicking in the slider “slot” will set the control
in the central position.
8. Signal level meter. This indicates the signal level coming into the channel, i.e., pre-fade. It is
scaled in dBFS units, with 0 dBFS at the top of the scale. 0 dBFS corresponds to digital clipping,
which sounds very unpleasant; levels should always be adjusted to avoid this situation. Stereo
channels have two meters, one either side of the fader.
9. Peak level display a numerical readout of the maximum signal level reached. Stereo
channels have two displays. If a signal reaches clip level, CLIP is displayed in red; this may be
cleared by clicking on it, or by selecting Clear all meters from the File menu.
10. Close – click on the cross to remove the signal from the mix and the channel from the screen.