User Manual

Audio Setup in your DAW
The Scarlett 4i4 is compatible with any Windows-based DAW that supports ASIO or WDM and any
Mac-based DAW that uses Core Audio. After following the Getting Started procedure described
above, you can start using the Scarlett 4i4 with the DAW of your choice. To allow you to get started
if you do not already have a DAW application installed on your computer, both Pro Tools | First and
Ableton Live Lite are included; this will be available to you once you’ve registered your Scarlett 4i4. If
you need help installing either DAW, please visit our Getting Started pages at, where Getting Started videos are available.
Operating instructions for both Pro Tools | First and Ableton Live Lite are beyond the scope of this
User Guide, but both applications include a full set of Help les. Instructions are also available at and respectively.
Please note - your DAW may not automatically select the Scarlett 4i4 as its default I/O device. In this
case, you must manually select Focusrite USB ASIO as the driver on your DAW’s Audio Setup*
page. Please refer to your DAW’s documentation (or Help fi les) if you are unsure where to select the
ASIO or Core Audio driver. The example below shows the correct confi guration in the Ableton Live
Lite Preferences panel (Windows version shown).
* Typical name. Terminology may differ slightly between DAWs.