Owner's Manual

of monitors. However, please note that only LINE OUTPUTS 1 and 2 are affected in level by the the
large front panel MONITOR volume control. Also please note that Outputs 3 and 4 are also used to
feed the front panel headphone output.
The signals at LINE OUTPUTS 3 and 4 are at (full) fixed level, and thus if you use these for monitoring,
you will have to control the volume either from Focusrite Control, or by adjusting the volume at an
external amplifier.
Self-powered monitors (e.g., typical computer speakers) incorporate internal amplifiers with a
volume control, and may be connected directly. Larger, passive loudspeakers will require a separate
stereo amplifier; in this case, the outputs should be connected to the amplifier’s inputs.
In the setup shown in the lower diagram, a small pair of active monitors connected to Outputs 3 and
4 could act as “nearfield” monitors; their volume would either be adjusted locally on the speakers or
via Focusrite Control. The volume of the passive main monitors would be adjusted by the front panel
MONITOR control.
Connecting a single pair of active speakers
Connecting two pairs of speakers
active and passive)