Owner's Manual

Line Inputs 1 and 2
Dynamic Range 110.5 dB (A-weighted)
Frequency Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.1 dB
<0.002% (minimum gain, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz
bandpass filter)
Maximum Input Level
+22 dBu (no PAD); +29.5 dBu (PAD selected);
measured at minimum gain
Gain Range 56 dB
Input impedance 60 kohms
Instrument Inputs 1 and 2
Dynamic Range 110 dB (A-weighted)
Frequency Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.1 dB
<0.03% (minimum gain, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz
bandpass filter)
Maximum Input Level
+12.5 dBu (no PAD); +14 dBu (PAD selected); measured at
minimum gain
Gain Range 56 dB
Input impedance 1.5 Mohms
Line Inputs 3 and 4
Dynamic Range 110.5 dB (A-weighted)
Frequency Response 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.1 dB
<0.002% (minimum gain, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz
bandpass filter)
Maximum Input Level +18 dBu; measured at minimum gain
Input Impedance 44 kohms
Line and Monitor Outputs
Dynamic Range 108.5 dB (A-weighted)
Maximum Output Level (0
+15.5 dBu (balanced)
<0.002% (maximum level, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz
bandpass filter)
Output Impedance 430 ohms
Headphone Outputs
Dynamic Range 104 dB (A-weighted)
Maximum Output Level 7 dBu
THD+N <0.002% (measured at +6 dBu with 22 Hz/22 kHz bandpass filter)
Output Impedance <1 ohm