User Manual

4. Network Configuration
4.1 Network Connection
(Network connection is a little difficult for new users, if you can't get success, please email us: ,
we will email you more detail video or PDF instructions)
Direct connection: Connect the camera and computer by network connecting cable.
Internet connection mode: Connect the camera to Internet by Router or Switcher and user can login the device by
browser web page.
Note: Please do not put the power cable and network cable in places where can be easily touched, to prevent
video unstable signal transmission due to poor contact of cables.
Add network segment method
The computer must have the network segment where the camera IP address belongs to. The device will not be
accessible if without the segment.
The camera default IP address is, segment 5 must be added in the computer.
Firstly open the window of Local Area Connection Properties on computer, select the “Internet protocol version
4(TCP/IPv4)”. Double click or click the property “Internet” protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) to enter into the Internet
Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Properties window; select “Advanced” to enter into the Advanced TCP/IP Setting
and add IP and subnet mask. Click the “Confirm” to finish the adding of IP segment. User can add the
corresponding network segment according to the revised IP address of the camera.
Note: The IP address to be added cannot be same with that of other computers or devices. The existence of
this IP address needs to be verified before adding.
To verify whether the network segment has been successfully added, click the “Start” and select “Operation” to
input cmd, then click CONFIRM and open DOS command window, ping and press Enter key to
display information as shown below:
After camera power on and self-check, follow the steps above to verify network connection.
Open DOS command window, ping and press Enter key.