User Manual

Relay Card
1. LED Relay Display
2. Relay Card Release Clip
3. Relay Connector Port
4. Relays
5. Relay Card-to-Motherboard
6. Relay Card Position/Address
Dip-Switch (see note A).
(Fig. 12)
Note A: The relay card position/address dip -switch must be adjusted according to the
wiring diagram sheet located on the backside of the receiver cover plate.
Relay Card Position 1 address: 0000000
Relay Card Position 2 address: 0000001
Relay Card Position 3 address: 0000010
Relay Card Position 4 address: 0000011
Relay Card Position 5 address: 0000100
Power Supply Card
1. Power Supply Card Release Clip
2. Power Fuse
3. VAC Input / DVC Output Connector
4. MAIN Contact Relay
5. Power Supply Card-to-Motherboard
6. VDC Fuse
(Fig. 13)