Instruction Manual

VALD ForceDecks Instruction Manual v.1.2022
Note: When turning on the ForceDecks, if the power button is pressed on the Secondary plate, the plate
will turn on then straight off again.
5 Getting Started: ForceDecks Software
ForceDecks software is the heart of the ForceDecks system, taking previously laborious tasks and
performing them automatically to facilitate rapid testing of individuals in time-pressured
environments. These tasks include:
Identifying what type of movement was performed;
Identifying key characteristic time points within the movement (e.g. Start of Movement,
Take-off, etc); and most importantly
Calculating actionable summary results.
The ForceDecks software suite includes:
ForceDecks Windows application
ForceDecks iOS application
ForceDecks Jump
ForceDecks LeaderBoard, and
*Users must activate their ForceDecks software within 7 days of installing the software onto their
device, and annually thereafter.