User's Manual

Max. Station Num
Available only under AP mode, it defines the maximum amount of wireless clients allowed to be
Space in Meter
To reduce the chances of data retransmission at long distance, the KWG-O6020-I can automatically
adjust proper ACK timeout value by specifying distance of the two nodes. The distance to be entered
here is calculated in terms of meters, so if the actual distance between two nodes is 5Km, please enter
5000 in the blank.
Flow Control
It allows the administrator to specify the incoming and outgoing traffic limit by checking “Enable Traffic
Shaping”. This is only available in Router mode.
Security Settings
To prevent unauthorized radios from accessing data transmitting over the connectivity, the
KWG-O6020-I provides you with rock solid security settings.
Open “Security Settings” in “Wireless” as below:
Figure 18
Security Settings