Data Sheet
76 EasyVR 3 (Plus) User Manual (1.0.17)
Testing SonicNet
Another feature available from the Tools menu is the SonicNet”, a wireless communication protocol
based on transmission and detection of special sequences of tones, called “tokens”.
Two kinds of tokens can be selected: a short version, with up to 16 different tokens, and a long version
that provides up to 256 tokens.
Figure 7 Interface for testing SonicNet features
The EasyVR module can listen for incoming tokens continuously, or for as long as about 28 seconds
(specified with a granularity of around 27.5 ms). Another parameter for token detection is the rejection
level that specifies the receiver sensitivity: higher rejection means lower sensitivity that is a lower
detection rate, and vice-versa.
When the timeout parameter is set to 0, the module will listen continuously and you can use the Play
button to send a token from your PC soundcard and the “Stop” button to stop listening.
Figure 9 - Modified interface during continuous listening