Quick Start Guide

Cautions and Warnings
Environmental Specications
Refer to specific Product Model Data Sheet for Environmental Specifications (Operating Temperature, Storage Temperature,
Humidity, and Altitude).
Référez à la Fiche Technique de ce produit pour les caractéristiques environnementales (Température de fonctionnement,
température de stockage, humidité et l’altitude).
Caution: This equipment is to be used in a Network Environment 0 per IECTR 62101. This product is connected only
to PoE networks without routing to the outside plant.
Attention: Ce matériel doit être utilisé dans un Environnement Réseau 0 par IECTR 62101. Ce produit est unique-
ment connecté aux réseaux PoE sans installation externe de routage.
This product is intended to be supplied by a Listed Direct Plug-In Power Unit marked LPS or Class 2 and rated 5
Vdc, 1.2 A or by 48 Vdc from PoE source.
Le produit doit être alimenté par un bloc d’alimentation à courant continu homologué UL de 5 Vdc, 1.2 A nominal
marqué LPS ou Class 2 ou par une source d’alimentation par Ethernet de 48 Vdc
E911 and use with multi-line telephone systems
Please note the use and operation of this phone as part of a multi-line telephone system (MLTS) may be subject to
state and/or federal E911 MLTS laws that require the MLTS to provide a caller’s telephone number, extension, and
physical location to applicable state and/or local emergency services when a caller initiates a 911 call. The MLTS
may not provide a caller’s telephone number, extension, or physical location information to emergency services
when a caller dials 911, and compliance with state and/or federal E911 MLTS laws is the sole responsibility of the
purchaser of this phone.
This phone implements security and encryption technologies. However, privacy of communications may not be
ensured when using this telephone.
FON D72 QSG V2.indd 15FON D72 QSG V2.indd 15 6/10/2020 9:09:23 AM6/10/2020 9:09:23 AM