User Guide

Table Of Contents
Bridge GUI Guide: Security Configuration
4.1.4 MSP Re-Key Interval
Fortress Bridges generate new keys at defined intervals,
renegotiating dynamic keys with their Secure Clients whenever
those Clients are logged on. You can specify the re-key
interval, in hours, at values between 1 and 24. The default is 4.
At the default, for example, to decrypt data intercepted over a
12-hour period, a hacker would need to recover three sets of
keys just from the Bridge, quickly enough to employ them
before the next re-key—a highly unlikely possibility. Connecting
devices’ re-keying behaviors would generate additional key
exchanges, and keys from the Bridge alone would not permit
network access.
Every new key negotiation adds network traffic, and the
increased security of shorter re-key intervals should be
balanced against throughput considerations.
4.1.5 Access to the Bridge GUI
In order for the Bridge GUI to be usable, GUI Access must be
Enabled. When GUI Access is Disabled, the Bridge can be
managed exclusively through the Bridge CLI.
Access to the Bridge GUI is
Enabled by default.
If you disable the Bridge GUI from within the interface, your
current session will end. You must re-enable the Bridge GUI
from the Bridge CLI before the former will again be accessible
(refer to the
CLI Software Guide).
Bridge’s com-
mand-line interface can
always be accessed via a
direct connection to the
Bridge’s serial
port (refer to the CLI
Software Guide).
4.1.6 Secure Shell Access to the Bridge CLI
In order for the Bridge CLI to be accessible via the network,
Secure Shell (SSH®) must be
Enabled. When SSH Access is
Disabled, you can access the Bridge CLI exclusively through a
direct connection to its
Console port.
SSH Access is Enabled on the Bridge by default.
4.1.7 Blackout Mode
The Blackout Mode setting on the Fortress Bridge globally turns
all chassis LEDs on and off.
Blackout Mode is Enabled, none of the Bridge’s LEDs will
illuminate for any reason—except for a single, initial blink
(green) of less than half a second, at the beginning of the boot
process. When
Blackout Mode is Disabled (the default), the LED
indicators function normally.
You can also enable/disable blackout mode through chassis
controls on some Bridge hardware models (refer to the
Hardware Guide for the Bridge you are configuring) or through
the Bridge CLI (refer to the
CLI Software Guide).