User Guide

Table Of Contents
Bridge GUI Guide: Monitoring
The controls at the upper left of the tab and individual
checkboxes for connected Clients permit you to:
RESET selected sessions: end their current sessions and
force them to reauthenticate on the Bridge.
Allow Cached Credentials is Enabled (the default),
locally authenticated users are reauthenticated
transparently, using cached user credentials; when the
function is
Disabled, locally authenticated users are
prompted for their login credentials (Section 4.1.13).
5.5.4 Controllers Connections
Fortress Controllers include Fortress ES-series Bridges and the
Fortress Controller, or FC-X (refer to Section 1.3.1 for more
detail). The Bridge GUI displays connections to them on the
Controller tab of the Connections screen.
Figure 5.10.
tab, all platforms
MAC Address - the Media Access Control address of the
controller device
Hostname - the network hostname of the device
Device ID - the device’s unique, hexadecimal, Fortress-
generated identifier, which provides device authentication
on the Bridge-secured network (when device authentication
is enabled)
Conn. State - the state of the controller device’s network
connection. Possible values include:
Initializing - key exchange with device initializing
Negotiating - static keys exchanged with the device
Secure - dynamic keys exchanged with the device
Failed - key exchange with the device failed
Inferior DKey - Received inferior dynamic key from the
Key Failed - key exchange with the device failed
9. Associations and Bridge Links tabs absent when no internal radio is present (refer to Table 1.1 on page 3).