User Guide

Table Of Contents
Bridge GUI Guide: Administrative Access
Consult your RADIUS server documentation for information on
configuring the service. You must additionally configure an
entry for the server on the Bridge’s
Authentication Servers list
Configure -> RADIUS Settings-> Server List), specifying 3rd
as its Server Type and Admin as a supported Auth
for the service (refer to Section 4.3.1 for more information
on configuring external authentication servers for the Bridge.). Password Expiration
You can configure the Bridge to expire administrative
passwords after a specified period and to warn administrators a
specified number of days before the password expires.
Password expiration (
Pass. Expire) is Disabled by default.
Pass. Expire is Enabled, you can specify a password
expiration period (
Pass. Expiration) of 1 to 365 days. The
default expiration period is
60 days.
Expiration Warning
You can also configure the Bridge to warn administrators that
their passwords are scheduled to expire. You can set
Expire Warning from 0 to 365. An expiration warning setting of 0
or a setting greater than the specified password expiration
period disables the function (no password expiration warning
will be issued). When a
Pass. Expire Warning smaller than
Pass. Expiration is set, the warning **Your password will expire
appears at the top of the first screen displayed (initially
Connections for Administrator-level accounts) whenever an
administrator logs on, beginning the specified number of days
before administrators are forced to change their passwords.
The warning does not persist after the administrator navigates
away from the first page viewed. (If
Pass. Expiration and Pass.
Expire Warning
are set to the same value, the warning will
display whenever an administrator logs on.)
Nonconformance Expiration
If you change the rules for administrative passwords (refer to
Section, some existing passwords may not conform to
the new requirements.
Expire Nonconforming Pass. allows you
to choose whether such passwords will expire at the time the
rules change (
Enabled) or will be allowed to persist until the
next scheduled expiration date (
Disabled). By default, Expire
Nonconforming Pass.
is Enabled: administrators are forced to
change nonconforming passwords the first time they log on
after the rules for passwords have changed.
Expire Nonconforming Pass. is present only in Advanced View
(refer to Section 2.1.4).