User Guide

Table Of Contents
Bridge GUI Guide: Administrative Access
2 In the resulting screen’s Admin IP Access Control Whitelist
frame, click
Figure 2.17. Advanced View
Add an IP ACL Entry
dialog, all platforms
3 In the resulting Add an IP ACL Entry dialog, enter the IP
Address of the computer from which you are currently
logged on and, optionally, a
Description for the entry. Then
APPLY (or CANCEL the addition).
The IP address you added will be listed on the
Admin IP
Access Control Whitelist.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any additional IP addresses from
which you want to permit administrative access.
5 When you have finished adding permitted IP addresses, in
Admin IP Access Control Whitelist frame, in
Administrative State, click Enabled.
Figure 2.18. Advanced View
Admin IP Access Control Whitelist
frame, all platforms
CAUTION: If your
current IP address
is not on the administra-
tor IP ACL when you
Enable it or you delete
your address when the
list is already enabled,
and you do not
the change when
prompted, your session
will end and your cur-
rent IP address will be
blocked until it is added
to the list of permitted
addresses or the func-
tion is disabled.
6 Click APPLY on the right of the frame.
If you navigate away from the screen without clicking
APPLY, the Administrative State will not be changed.
If you attempt to enable the
Admin IP Access Control Whitelist
when the IP address you are currently logged on through is not
listed, a dialog warns that proceeding will lock the computer
you are currently using out of the Bridge’s management
Figure 2.19. Advanced View current IP address lockout dialog, all platforms