DVR User Manual

D-160 Owner's Manual (MMC/FEX List/Maintenance/Specifications)
If paste cannot be executed due to improper figures of the previously registered auto
punch in point, insufficient disc capacity, no sound data is in the clipboard, etc., the
corresponding <edit message> will be replied.
12 4F (<channel><channel>): track exchange command
(Exclusive command for FDMS-3.)
When the D-160 receives this command, the track can be exchange between the specified
<channel><channel>. Especially, if the first <channel=0>, then exchange by grouping
will be executed between channel 1-8 and channel 17-24, and if the next byte <channel=0>,
then the exchange will be between channel 9-16 and channel 17-24.
If it cannot be executed for some reason, an error message will be sent back.
12 50: all erase current program command
(Exclusive command for FDMS-3.)
When the D-160 receives this command, all audio of the current program will be erased
to return it to the initial state of compiling a new program.
As execution of all erase is completed in a comparatively short time, the D-160 will reply
with "32 50 (<edit message=01 (completed)>)" immediately after completion of exchange.
If it cannot be executed for some reason, an error message will be sent back.
13 3E: product new program command
(Exclusive command for FDMS-3.)
When the D-160 receives this command, a new program is compiled and the current
program is transferred to the new program.
As compilation of the new program is comparatively short time, it is replied with "33 3E
(<edit message=01 (completed)>)" immediately upon completion of execution.
If it cannot be executed for some reason, an error message will be sent back.
13 3F: delete current program command
(Exclusive command for FDMS-3.)
When the D-160 receives this command, the current program is deleted and succeeding
programs moved up and renumberd. If the deleted program is the only tune existing in
the track, a new program will be made automatically.
As this delete current program is executed in a comparatively short time, "33 3F (<edit
message=01 (completed)>)" will be sent back immediately upon completing the execution.
If it cannot be executed for some reason, an error message will be sent back.
13 41 (<channel><channel>): digital in command
The audio signal input from SPDIF digital in to assigned to the destination track specified
by <channel>. The first <channel> shown in the command is the SPDIF L channel input,
and the second <channel> the R channel input. "<channel=0> <channel =0>" indicates
the normal analog input.
13 41 (<channel=7F><count><mmc track>): Adat in select command
Channel = 7F indicates that it is Adat In.
Normally, it will be "<count=0>" and all channels will be inputs from Adat In.
If <count=0><mmc track> is indicates, then only the tracks selected will be Adat In inputs.
"<channel=0><channel=0>" indicates the normal analog input.
13 42 (<channel><channel>): digital out command
The source channel for digital out is selected.
Normally, the first <channel> shown will be the SPDIF L channel data, and the second
<channel> the SPDIF R channel output.
By FDMS-2 (D-80, DMT-8) in particular, the following five types only can be setup.
(<01><02>), (<03><04>), (<05><06>), (<07><08>), (<00><00>). (<00><00>) is the
default setting. By FDMS-3 (D-160), any channel within "1 ~ 16" can be selected.
13 42 (<channel=7F><channel=0>): Adat out select command
In a device which can be switched between SPDIF and Adat, if the first display is
<channel=7F>, then Adat Out can be setup.