User's Manual

Pairing the power meter
The power meter must be connected or “paired” to the Stages SIC1 display
console or cycle computer (collectively referred to as display units) according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. Each power meter has a unique ANT+
device ID. During the pairing process the applicable device ID is recorded by
the display and will be used to communicate with the corresponding
power meter. The ANT+ ID number is printed in the locations shown in FIG 1
and also supplied with the documentation. Once paired to the power meter,
ride data (Watts and RPM) will be transmitted from the power meter to the
display unit. Other important functions such as resetting the power meter’s
zero oset will also be enabled through the display unit. The ANT+ is
permanently assigned to the power meter and is not aected by
changing the power meter battery.
When Pairing to a Stages SIC1 Console: Ensure the power meter has fully
charged AA batteries p
roperly installed. Rotate the crank arm one time to
ensure the power meter is awake. Follow the instructions in the Stages
console user guide for pairing the power meter to the console.
When Pairing to Another Type of Compatible ANT+ Display: Ensure the
power meter has fully charged AA batteries properly installed. Rotate the
crank arm one time to ensure the power meter is awake and ready to
communicate. Follow the ANT+ device manufacturers instructions for
pairing a power meter to the display unit. The procedures may vary between
Zero Oset Calibration
The zero oset calibration is an important feature of the power meter that
resets the zero oset value for the power meter sensors. There are physical and
environmental conditions that may aect the zero oset value and there are
methods both manual and automatic that will adjust this value to
accommodate for the changing physical and environmental condition. The
zero oset of the power meter is essentially the sensor reading or values
measured when the power meter has no pedaling load (torque) applied. The
act of calibrating the zero oset causes the power meter to measure the value
at zero load and then records this value as the baseline for power