Assembly Instructions

J41 N/A V Boundary scan header/jumper. Default not
assemble jumper on J41.
JP(1-2) A jumper is required to set the main processor into
reset during the test. Once the test is done, need
to remove the jumper.
J30 N/A V Reserve for some ARM debuggers have open-
drain TRSTn. Default not assemble jumper on J30.
JP(1-2) Reserve for some ARM debuggers have open-
drain TRSTn.
J43 JP(1-2) V X&63,ÀDVK:3VLJQDO'HIDXOWDVVHPEOH-3RQ
J43 pin 1-2, normal operation.
JP(2-3) Assemble JP43 on J43 pin 2-3, enable HW WP#.
J7 N/A V JTAG chain buffer enable signal from CPLD.
Reserve header for debug. Default not assemble
jumper on J7.
JP(1-2) When assemble jumper on J7, connect JTAG_
BMC_EN_N to GND, force to set JTAG chain from