User's Manual

to store your sounds. If this is not the folder that your sounds are located
in, select the proper folder.
6) Once the proper folder is selected, double click the folder. The sounds
should now appear in the left side column, called “Source Sound Files”.
Now, determine the position that you would like to add new sounds to your
Fury. For example, if you would like to add the Jackrabbit Distress to your
Scorpion, highlight the sound in the left side column.
NOTE: If this sound does not have a three digit number and a space
located at the beginning of it, you must check the Append Sound
Number box located below the left column. By selecting this box, the
sound name will not be shortened. If there is a three digit number
and a space before the name of the sound, there is no need to check
this box. The first four characters will be either truncated or ignored,
by not selecting this box.
7) Select the position in the right column where you would like to add the
sound. If you want to overwrite the sound in that position, then click on
the overwrite box, located between the two columns. This will replace the
current sound in that position.
NOTE: The sound that was located in that position will be deleted.
If you choose to insert the sound in that position and move all other
sounds down one, click the insert button. This will add the sound in
that position and not overwrite the current sound. If you would like to
remove sounds from the right side column before adding new ones,
simply highlight the sound, and click on the “Remove From List”
button, located between the two columns.
If you would like to relocate a sound in the right sound column, you can high
light the sound and then type the position number that you would like to move it
to in the “Move To” box (located below the right side column). This will move
the sound to your designated number. You can also highlight the sound that
you wish to move on the right column, and then click on the up or down arrows
below the right side column to move the sound one position at a time. If you
would like to reset your list at any time, click on the Clear/Reset List button
located on the right side of the screen. This will reset the list to its initial sounds.
8) Click on the “Copy to Caller” button located on the right side of the screen.
Your sounds will now be programmed to your FURY.