User's Manual

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- Input a sharing name into the ‘File Share Name’ field like ‘MyShare.’
- Input a folder path string into the ‘Folder Path’ field to /mnt/usb which is described on the USB Settings
- Choose the Access Level on your policy for Read Only or Read-Write.
- Select a User which is configured on the User Management item.
After finishing the above procedures, you will see the shared folder information.
In order to see the mounted folder base on your laptop computer, which is shared by CPE’s SAMBA Server, please see
the below steps.
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Type the CPE Routers IP Address \\\[folder Name like MyShare] into Windows Explorer.
- You will see the shared folder such as ‘MyShare
If you type just the router IP address without a shared folder name like \\’, the network access time on
the Windows Explorer will take a long time to find the shared folder.
- Open the Command Prompt on your Windows Operating System.
- Try typing the router IP address with the shared folder name, for example, “C:\ net use m:
\\\[folder name like MyShare]’