User's Manual

I. Functions and Usage
The S600W development Kit is used to debug the Franklin Wireless M600W series module. It is designed
by an auxiliary board with Franklin Wireless M600W series module embedded. When the S600W is used,
you can connect the module to a PC through a USB cable. When the module works normally, the
debugging functions can be implemented. The S600W provides multiple interfaces, such as the Mini-USB
port, DC power jack, RF connectors.
The S600W can be used to test the performance of the module. Both the wired connection test (connect
the module to the each equipment) and the wireless connection test (connect the module to the antennas)
can be implemented. The signal points can also be tested when you maintain and repair the module.
II. Structure
Figure-1 Structure of the S600W
III. Method for Connecting the S600W
1. Diagram of connecting the S600W to the equipment.
Figure-2. Configuration for Adjustment and Test of WIMAX mode