Operation Manual

3. BOOKS menu
3.1 Using Global Search
and phrases saved in the device. You can use
multiple words for searching.
1. In the Books menu, press / to select
Global Search and then press .
Or, press + .
2. Type a word.
See3.6 Hints on Inputting Words.
With each letter you type, the resulting
list of potential matching entries is
refreshed. If the letters you typed match
an entry in the word list, it is automatically
highlighted. Or, press / to select
another word entry you see in the word
the word list.
Press DEF to preview the entries while you
are browsing the word list. Press HIDE to
cancel this function.
3. Press .
If there are multiple forms within an entry,
press or to select the one you want
and then press .
4. Press / to scroll up or down one line
at a time.
Press + / to scroll up or down one
screen at a time.
Press + / to go to the previous or
Press to hear the headword
pronounced (if pronunciation is available).
See3.7 Using the Soft Key for more
information on the soft keys.
5. Press to start a new search.
Rening Your Search
Use the following soft keys.
SOURCE: Limits the search within the
selected source language. Thesource
language is the language in which you
enter words for searching.
TARGET: Limits the search within the
selected target language. Thetarget
language is the language in which you
IDIOM: Goes to English idiom search.
EXAMPLE: Goestousageexamplesearch.
3.2 Using the Dictionaries
dictionaries in the Books menu. Note:The
functions described below may not be
available to all dictionaries or at all times.
1. In the Books menu, press / to select
a dictionary and then press .
2. Type a word.
See3.6 Hints on Inputting Words.
Toreneyoursearch,press / to select
Word Search, Example Search, Idiom Search
or Collocation Search (if available) before
you start to type.
With each letter you type, the resulting
list of potential matching entries is
refreshed. If the letters you typed match
an entry in the word list, it is automatically
highlighted. Or, press / to select
another word entry you see in the word
In the four bilingual dictionaries, press
to switch between the source and
target languages.
Press DEF to preview the entries while you
are browsing the word list. Press HIDE to
cancel this function.
3. Press .
If there are multiple forms within an entry,
press or to select the one you want
and then press .
4. Press / to scroll up or down one line
at a time.
Press + / to scroll up or down one
screen at a time.
Press + / to go to the previous
multiple search results.
Press to hear the headword
pronounced (if pronunciation is available).
5. Press to start a new search.
3.3 Misspelling Words
in the list, your word is misspelled or not in
the dictionaries. A list of possible spelling
corrections is displayed. Press / to select
the entry you want and then press .This
3.4 Uncertain Spellings
If you are uncertain about how to spell a
word, type the portion of the word you do
to stand for any missing portion of a word,
or any number of letters.
3.5 Inections/Conjugations
Inected Form Searching
will retrieve results from the word eat”. For a
word with multiple parts of speech (e.g. the
word “record” is both a noun and a verb), both
Looking Up Inections
To look up inections in the German-
English, Duden German Spelling and the
Oxford dictionaries, press CONJ (when
inections are available to a word).
words may have multiple parts of speech or
translations, press / to select the one
you want and then press to view the
For verbs, press CONJ or + / to view
more conjugations.
ich laufe (jetzt)
I walk (jetzt)
ich lief (früher)
I walked (früher)
ich bin gelaufen (neulich)
I have walked (neulich)
To look up inections in the German-
French, Italian and Spanish dictionaries:
1. After looking up the translation of a
word, press .
dictionary, the French translation of the
word “essen is “manger.
2. Use the direction keys to highlight the
translated word and press .
3. Press CONJ.
For verbs, press CONJ or + / to
view more conjugations.
3.6 Hints on Inputting Words
screens where word input is allowed. Note:
types of character inputs.
• Hold and press a letter key to type a
capital letter.
• Totypeaccents,typealetter(e.g.,e)and
then press until the accent you want
appears (e.g., é).
• Press to delete the letter to the left of
the cursor.
• Totypeanumber,pressanumberkey.
• Totypeaspecialcharactershownona
number key, hold and then press a
number key.
• Totypeothersymbols,press + .
Use the direction keys to select the symbol
press .
3.7 Using the Soft Keys
labels displayed along the bottom of the
features of the device. Press - that
corresponds to the label.
CONF: Views the confusables (such as
homonyms, homophones and spelling
variants) related to the current word entry.
CONJ: Showsinections/conjugations.See
3.5 Inections/Conjugations.
DICT: GoestotheOxfordAdvancedLearners
DEF: Enables the preview feature.
EXAMPLE: Viewsusageexamplesofcurrent
entry. Press / toselecttheexampleyou
want and then press .
HIDE: Cancelsthepreviewfeature.
LIST: Goes to My Word List or adds the current
entrytoMyWordList.See4.1 My Word List for
NEXT: Goestothenextentry.
PREV: Goes to the previous entry.
PREVON: Previews the current entry.
RANGE: Renessearchbymultiplewords.
Press / toselectanoptionfromthepop-
up menu and then press .
whenever they appear.
Items following specied order=Lookfor
entries with the search words, in the order as