User's Manual

Franklin Home Power User Manual
August 10, 2021
Doc. No.
© 2021. FranklinWH Technologies Co., Ltd. Page 25 Total 31
2) APP menu
3) Mode UI
FranklinWH APP provide you many types control modes, such as the self-consumption, load shifting, backup standby,
emergency backup as well as the smart circuit, etc.
In this section, you will select the battery advanced work modes and setting the running parameters.
It is a solar mode.
Self-consumption mode can double the solar energy amount that powers your home loads. And it is the best
way to reduce your carbon footprint until zero export application. It is used commonly in the states of Hawaii
and California.
When you select the self-consumption mode, solar power is given priority to home load first during the day.
Excess energy can be used to charge aPower. More excess energy exports VPP usage if your utility allows. And
at night, the energy in aPower will be provided to your home loads. The grid power will be paired when the
solar is not enough for the home loads until the energy in aPower use up.
The menu is listed in the figure left, including History, Mode,
Smart Circuits, Backup, Bill, Others.