User's Manual

Franklin Home Power User Manual
August 10, 2021
Doc. No.
© 2021. FranklinWH Technologies Co., Ltd. Page 26 Total 31
How to set up Self-consumption
Step 1, From the main UI screen, click the menu at the left right corner.
Step 2, Under the “mode”, select “Self-Consumption”.
Step 3, Set “reserved capacity for power outage”
Load shifting
Utility save mode based on time-of-use (TOU) rate schedule. If you offer Time-of-Use rates when you
electricity prices rate vary during the day, you can charge the energy in aPowers from solar or the grid powr
off-peak duration and power your home loads at grid peak duration to maximize saving bills.
You will access the APP to set up the mode configuration setting details of the electric rate schedule.
TOU rates have 3 breaks as below.
PeakHigh energy demand hours with most expensive rates.
Off-PeakLow energy demand hours with least expensive rates
ShoulderAll other times
Load shifting has 2 advanced sub-modes, one is Balanced mode, the other is Cost Save mode. The TOU
charge/discharge will comply with local electrical code requirement.
Reserved energy for grid outage
You can setting the parameter of “Reserved energy for grid outage” in the modes of “Self-Consumption” and
“Load shifting”. Setting a higher reserve percentage protected during an outage. Setting a lower reserve
percentage maximizes your home loads allocation and save more bills.
Emergency backup mode
Emergency backup mode is embedded in the modes of Self-Consumption and Load Shifting.
The emergency backup mode will be activated automatically when FHP detected a warning of extreme weather,
wildfire, blizzards, etc. It will resume the previous mode work when the warning is removed.
Enabling this mode, aGate will subscribe the information of storms, wildfires, blizzards, etc. in advance 24
hours and unconditionally charge aPowers from the solar and grid. Reserve the 100% capacity of aPowers for
an outage until the storms are over.
Backup standby
100% reserve capacity in advance for an outage.
Enabling this mode, your system is re-scheduled to charge aPowers 100% fully from solar and/or grid energy.
And then standby for an outage.
aPowers charge from grid energy should be allowed by local regulations.
Note that aPowers charge from grid energy is not allowed when the PV solar is available in the state of
California but emergency backup mode.
This is the advanced mode of generator standby.
The advance of preferring aPowers discharge when outage and then start generator when aPowers usage less 25%
until aPowers usage up to 90%.
It improves the generator efficiency among home loads and aPowers charging, reduces the generator noise.