Owner manual

Fredenstein V.A.S. Compressor
Front View:
Rotary Controls:
B-WIDTH : Side-Chain Filter control, fully clockwise no filter, counter clockwise
2KHz to 20KHz Bandwidth
INPUT GAIN : Sets the line level gain in the range from -10 to +20dB
COMP ATTACK : Sets the attack time of the compressor
Range from 0.5 to 50ms
COMP RELEASE : Sets the release time of the compressor
Range from 70ms to 2.5s
COMP RATIO : Sets the compression ratio
Range from 2:1 to 20:1
MAKE-UP : Output level control of the compressor
Range from off to 0dB to +20dB
MIX : Output-Mixer, turn the control all the way counter clockwise and only
the compressed signal is present on the output (wet position), all the
way clockwise, only the input signal is present at the output (dry
FILTER : When the switch is lit (green), the side-chain filter is active, if not lit,
no filter is active and the position of B-WIDTH potentiometer does
not matter
LINK : When lit (blue), it enables the Stereo linking of two V.A.S. Comps
when a TRS link cable is inserted on both units and both LINK
switches are turned on. Both channels will have identical gain
reduction to avoid shifting of the Stereo balance.
BYPASS : When the switch is lit (orange), the V.A.S. Comp is in bypass mode.
A hard bypass connects the input and outputs. If Link is turned on on
both units and a link cable is inserted, the Bypass function of the
second unit will follow the first. Please note, that in Bypass mode the
gain reduction and output meters are still active.
INSERT : Standard TRS insert connector (Ring = Output, Tip = Input) to insert
effect equipment or inject different signals into the side-chain
Fredenstein V.A.S Comp Manual V1.1 Oct. 2, 2014 Page 3