User's Manual

US7,420,471; US8,169,335; US8,232,888; US5,939,986;
US6,810,353; AU2005289704; ZA2007/02919; ZA2008/02673;
ZA2010/06816, ZA2010/09068 Patent Pending
2.2 Power Source/Charging
The MAC receives 12 VDC power from a Wall Wart Power Converter connected to a 110 240
VAC power source. There are no batteries in the MAC; thus, no charging is required.
2.3 Alerts
MACs do not issue alerts other than the discrete signals sent to peripheral devices and the LED
indicators on the outer surface of the MAC Controller.
2.4 Maintenance
The MAC should be regularly cleaned to reduce buildup of dust and dirt. Daily checks should be
performed to verify that:
Power is applied - Verify that the green diagnostic LED on the outer surface of the MAC
Controller is ON.
PADs are detected in the MAC Magnetic Field Verify that the yellow diagnostic LED on
the bottom of the Controller comes ON when a pedestrian wearing a PAD walks into the
MAC magnetic field.
Trucks with MFGs are detected in the MAC Magnetic Field Verify that the red
diagnostic LED on the bottom of the Controller comes ON when a truck with a MFG
drives into the MAC magnetic field.
Proper Operation of Peripheral Devices Verify that peripheral devices activated from
the MAC wired outputs operate properly (e.g., horns, red/green stop lights, lights
indicating truck approaching MAC controlled area, flashing lights indicating pedestrian
and truck in the MAC magnetic field at the same time.
Verify Size of the MAC Controlled Area - Use a pedestrian PAD to verify that the size or
width of the MAC magnetic field is correct. This can be checked by verifying that the
yellow diagnostic LED on the bottom of the Controller comes ON when the PAD passes
the edge of the MAC field.
2.5 Adjustments
The size/width of the MAC magnetic field can be manually adjusted using a hand-held accessory
device called a MAC Adjust PAD. This is accomplished by: (1) Walk into the MAC magnetic field
holding the MAC Adjust PAD at the height that pedestrian PADs are normally worn. (2) apply
power to the MAC Adjust PAD by removing the plastic pin from the PAD charge port the MAC
Adjust PAD will alarm for two seconds. (3) Take the MAC Adjust PAD to the desired boundary of
the MAC magnetic field. (4) Hold the MAC Adjust PAD exactly at the desired boundary. The red
and yellow LED diagnostic lights on the bottom of the MAC Controller should blink two times to