User Manual

Rev: 29 April 2005
Continue by clicking the “Pair” button and the devices will initiate the pairing process. When pairing is
completed the status of your device will automatically change to being paired. Click on the “Finish” button
to complete the pairing process.
Save the new configuration to memory by clicking on the “Write configuration” button.
Continue configuration with the slave:
The status window in the “Pair device wizard” will indicate that pairing has been performed successfully.
Click on the “Finish” button to complete the pairing process.
Save the new configuration to memory by clicking on the “Write configuration” button.
Now your serial port plugs should be correctly configured to replace a serial cable.
5 Frequently asked questions / troubleshooting guide
1. My F2M01 plug does not enter configuration mode during the initial setup.
Before configuring your F2M01 plug you must make sure that it has no Bluetooth connection
present, as this prevents the plug from entering configuration mode. Also make sure that you have
a 5V external power supply
2. Is it possible to connect my Serial Port Plug to Bluetooth units from other manufacturers?
Yes, if the other unit supports the Serial Port Profile it should work correctly. As a matter of fact this
is one of the cornerstones of the Bluetooth technology.
3. I want to connect to the Serial Port Plug from another Bluetooth equipped unit like a Laptop
or PDA, What is the preferable configuration?
If security is unnecessary it is often preferable to configure the Serial Port Plug as an endpoint that
allows all units to connect to it. Then you will be able to use the user interface of the Laptop or PDA
to search and connect the Serial Port Plug.
4. I cannot make a connection between my two serial port plugs.
To ensure operating success, one device must be in connecting mode – Bluetooth master and the
other device in endpoint mode – Bluetooth slave. Both units cannot be in connecting or endpoint
settings mode simultaneously. (Also se Hints and tips, Establishing a connection between two
Serial port plugs. in chapter 3)
5. I can connect the unit when using an authenticated connection but when configuring the
plug to disable authentication, the connecting fails.
Make sure that the unit you are connecting the plug with is not configured to use a secure
connection. Both devices must have authentication disabled.
6. Why can I not see the advanced settings in my configuration software?
The advanced settings were introduced in the 3.0 version of the serial port plug software. You can
find the software version used in your serial port plug on the General tab in the configuration
7. When sending or receiving data it seems to be corrupted?
Ensure that the serial settings of the Serial Port Plug and your communicating equipment are the
8. I miss some functionality or features, what can I do about this?
Additional settings, functionality and configuration may be introduced. Free2move can also offer
customized solutions to fulfill your requirements.
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