User Manual

Rev: c
Low power Bluetooth Module with antenna- F2M03GLA
6.5.4 Multi-Slot Operation
More than one SCO connection over the PCM interface is supported using multiple slots. Up to three SCO
connections can be carried over any of the first four slots.
Multi-slot Operation with Two Slots and 8-bit Companded Samples
6.5.5 GCI Interface
F2M03 is compatible with the General Circuit Interface, a standard synchronous 2B+D ISDN timing
interface. The two 64Kbps B channels can be accessed when this mode is configured. In the GCI interface
two clock cycles are required for each bit of the voice sample. The voice sample format is 8-bit companded.
As for the standard PCM interface up to 3 SCO connections can be carried over the first four slots.
GCI Interface
The start of frame is indicated by PCM SYNC and runs at 8kHz. With F2M03 in Slave mode, the frequency
of PCMCLK can be up to PCM_SYNC In order to configure the PCM interface to work in GCI mode it is
necessary to have the correct firmware support (contact Free2move)
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