User's Manual Part 1

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Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference design, Rev. 0.9
Freescale Semiconductor 13
emulation interface. It also features a programmable 16-bit timer/pulse-width modulation (PWM) module
(TPM), that is one of the most flexible and cost-effective of its kind.
The compact, tightly integrated MC9S08QG8 delivers a versatile combination, from wealth of Freescale
peripherals and the advanced features of the HCS08 core, including extended battery life with a
maximum performance down to 1.8V, industry-leading Flash and innovative development support. The
MC9S08QG8 is an excellent solution for power and size-sensitive applications, such as wireless
communications and handheld devices, small appliances, Simple Media Access Controller
(SMAC)-based applications and toys.
MC9S08QG8 Features
Up to 20 MHz operating frequencies at >2.1 volts and 16 MHz at <2.1 volts
8 K Flash and 512 bytes RAM
Support for up to 32 interrupt/reset sources
8-bit modulo timer module with 8-bit prescaler
Enhanced 8-channel, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
Analog comparator module
Three communication interfaces: SCI, SPI and IIC
2.2.3 MC13191 2.4 GHz ISM Band Low Power Transceiver
The MC13191 is a short range, low power, 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band
transceivers. The MC13191 contains a complete packet data modem which is compliant with the IEEE®
802.15.4 Standard PHY (Physical) layer. This allows the development of proprietary point-to-point and
star networks based on the 802.15.4 packet structure and modulation format. For full 802.15.4
compliance, the MC13192 and Freescale 802.15.4 MAC software are required.
When combined with an appropriate microcontroller (MCU), the MC13191 provides a cost-effective
solution for short-range data links and networks. Interface with the MCU is accomplished using a four wire
serial peripheral interface (SPI) connection and an interrupt request output, which allows the use of a
variety of processors. The software and processor can be scaled to fit applications ranging from simple
point-to-point to star networks.
2.2.4 Microcontroller MCHC908JW32
The MCHC908JW32 is a member of the low-cost, high-performance M68HC08 Family of 8-bit
microcontroller units (MCU’s). All MCU’s in the family use the enhanced M68HC08 central processor unit
(CPU08) and are available in a variety of modules, memory sizes and types, and package types.
MCHC908JW32 Features
Maximum internal bus frequency: 8-MHz at 3.5-5V operating voltage
- 4-MHz crystal oscillator clock input with 32MHz internal phase-lock loop
- Internal 88-kHz RC oscillator for timebase wakeup
32,768 bytes user program FLASH memory with security feature
1,024 bytes of on-chip RAM
29 general-purpose input/output (I/O) ports:
8 keyboard interrupt with internal pull-up
- 3 pins with direct LED drive
- 2 pins with 10mA current drive for PS/2 connection