User Manual

Global Transceiver Module (GXM) Wireless Data Transceiver User Manual
Version 1.0 26
In a MultiPoint network, the Slaves and Repeaters are not listed in the Master's Call Book. A Slave must
have the Master and any Repeater it is going to use in its Call Book.
Note: If the Network ID feature is used in a MultiPoint network, no entries are needed in the Call Book
of any of the transceivers. See the Network ID feature in the MultiPoint Parameters section.
The following example shows the Call Books of a MultiPoint network comprised of a Master, Repeater
and Slave in which the Slave can communicate either through the Repeater or directly to the Master:
MultiPoint Master Call Book (Unit Serial Number 900-0001)
Entry Number Repeater1 Repeater2
(0) 000-0000
(1) 000-0000
No serial number entries are necessary in the Master’s Call Book.
MultiPoint Repeater Call Book (Unit Serial Number 900-0002)
Entry Number Repeater1 Repeater2
(0) 900-0001
(1) 000-0000
MultiPoint Slave Call Book (Unit Serial Number 900-0003).
Entry Number Repeater1 Repeater2
(0) 900-0001
(1) 900-0002
(2) 000-0000
At times it may be desirable to force a Slave to go through a specific MultiPoint Repeater. In this scenario,
the Slave’s Call Book should contain only the serial number for that Repeater as the entry on line 0.
In a MultiPoint network, a Slave can be programmed to roam between Masters and Repeaters using the
MultiPoint Extended Call Book function. A Slave with its Call Book configured as below will communicate
with any transceiver whose serial number appears in any of the three columns. This functionality is
enabled by setting Network ID to 255 then in the Call Book 999-9999 as the last entry in the first and
second columns, and Entry to Call to ALL.
to Call is ALL
Entries at the bottom of
the Number and
Repeater1 Columns are
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echnologies, Inc.
1180 S Flatiron Ct Ste F
Boulder, CO 80501
(303) 381-9200