Installation Guide

Configuring the Transceiver
LIG0002AC Rev G
situation. Using both helps enhances reliable operation and can be purchased at most electronic supply
If the power supply is above +18.0 VDC, use a 1ohm resistor inline with
power input to the transceiver. For more information, see application note #5467:
Power Wiring Precaution for FGR-Series at High Supply
. The cautions outlined in the
application note also apply to the GX family transceivers.
Configuring the Transceiver
A standard network requires that the following parameters are set the same on all transceivers in the network:
l Frequency Key
l Hop Table Version
l Hop Frequency Offset
l Min Packet Size
l Max Packet Size
Network ID
l RF Data Rate
Transceivers that contain the same settings in all the parameters above can communicate with each other. If
you choose to use the Call Book instead of the Network ID, or the network is a Point-to-Point network, the
Call Book must include the appropriate serial numbers for each transceiver. If the network contains parallel
Repeaters, the Frequency Key setting may differ.
In addition, set the Transmit Power parameter to the appropriate setting based on the cable loss in your
installation. For more information, see "Cable Loss and Transmit Power Settings" на стр.13.
Use a terminal emulator of your choice to access the Setup menu. For any terminal emulator application, plug
the serial cable into a COM port on the transceiver, open a session, and ensure that the port settings are set to
the following for a proper connection to the transceiver:
Port Setting Select
Bits per second 19200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
StopBits 1
Flow Control None
The following instructions describe how to access the transceiver's Setup menu using the Setup Terminal
application within Tool Suite. Setup Terminal contains the port settings above, by default. For more
information about using Tool Suite, see the Tool Suite User Manual available on the User Manual and System
Tools CD or by selecting File > Help in the Tool Suite software.