User's Manual

Chapter 4: Networks and Programming
LIM0001AA Rev E
Programming Methods
Each FreeWave radio has a series of commands and settings that you can define that determine how the
radio functions. You can access these commands in the following ways:
l Tool Suite - Most, but not all OEM radios are available for configuration using the FreeWave Tool
Suite application. Tool Suite provides a group of tools for configuring the devices in your network
and for monitoring your network's performance. Using the Configuration application within Tool
Suite, you can program changes to your transceiver's settings.
Tool Suite is available on the User Manual and System Tools CD and is available for download
from For more information about using Tool Suite, see the Tool Suite
User Manual available on the User Manual and System Tools CD or by selecting File > Help
in the Tool Suite software.
l Terminal Emulator - A terminal emulator program, such as HyperTerminal or Tera Term, offers
many of the same configuration options that are available in the Configuration application in Tool
Suite. Terminal emulators vary in cost, and several are downloadable free of charge. If you run
versions of the Windows operating system prior to Windows 7, HyperTerminal is included in the
operating system installation. However, if you are running Windows 7 or newer, HyperTerminal is
no longer available.
You can use the terminal emulator program of your choice to program the transceiver.
The Setup Terminal application within Tool Suite provides the same interface that is
available using a terminal emulator.
Accessing the Setup Menu Using a Terminal Emulator
Use a terminal emulator of your choice to access the Setup menu. For any terminal emulator application, plug
the serial cable into a COM port on the transceiver, open a session, and ensure that the port settings are set to
the following for a proper connection to the transceiver:
Port Setting Select
Bits per second 19200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
The following instructions describe how to access the transceiver's Setup menu using the Setup Terminal
application within Tool Suite. Setup Terminal contains the port settings above, by default. For more
information about using Tool Suite, see the Tool Suite User Manual available on the User Manual and System
Tools CD or by selecting File > Help in the Tool Suite software