User's Manual

Table Of Contents
WavePoint 10e
Users can access the Configuration pages on a computer connected directly to the WavePoint
10e or through a wireless connection by navigating to the WavePoint 10e IP address.
If the WAN port is setup for remote management, it can be connected using the
WAN IP address.
Users and Groups
The Users and Groups functionality is used to:
l Control who has access to the Configuration settings.
l Determine how users are allowed to access the WavePoint 10e.
l Which users have administrative privileges.
Note: Each user is assigned to a Group.
Each user that accesses the WavePoint 10e is assigned a User Name and Password to access
the Configuration pages.
The group configuration determines:
l user access rights
l which browsers are allowed for access
l the IP addresses a user can access the WavePoint 10e from.
Factory Defined Users
A WavePoint 10e ships from the factory with these users defined:
The admin user is enabled by default.
l The User Name is admin.
l The Password is freewave.
l The admin user is assigned to the admin group.
l The admin user is allowed viewing and editing privileges to all Configuration pages.
Note: The admin user is used to log in for the first time.
The guest user is disabled by default.
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