User's Manual

Table Of Contents
WavePoint 10e
4. Do one of the following:
l Edit an existing group - Right-click the user name in the Group Lists table and
click Edit.
l Add a group - Click Add New Group in the Group Lists section.
5. In the Group Name field, enter the name of the group.
This name appears in drop-down lists and other areas of the Configuration pages that
reference user groups.
Note: Group names can contain only lower case letters, numbers, periods, and
Uppercase letters and other symbols are not allowed.
6. In the Description field, enter enough information to identify the user group and its
The Group description is shown in the Group List field on the Groups page.
7. In the Privilege Type field, select one option:
l Admin - Provides viewing and editing access to all functionality available in the
Configuration pages.
l Select this option to create a second administrator group to assign to users that
require access to update Configuration settings.
l User - Provides view-only access to the content in Configuration pages.
8. In the Idle Timeout field, enter the duration, in minutes, a user assigned to the user group
is automatically logged out if no activity has taken place.
9. Click Save to save the changes or Cancel to clear any changes without saving.
10. After creating a Group:
l Define and Assign User Group Login Policies on page 125.
l Define User Group Browser Policies on page 126.
l Define User Group IP Policies on page 127.
Define and Assign User Group Login Policies
Each User Group is assigned a set of policies to determine if, and from where, a user assigned
under that group can access the Configuration pages.
A WavePoint 10e ships from the factory with these default in policies defined:
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