User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 2: Configuring Basic WavePoint™ Network Features
9. Select a Reconnect Mode option:
l Always On - Select this option to leave the connection active.
l On Demand - Select this option to automatically end the connection if it is idle for a
specified number of minutes.
l Enter the number of minutes in the Maximum Idle Time field.
This feature is useful if the ISP charges based on the amount of connection
10. Click Save to save the changes or Cancel to clear any changes without saving.
Defining WAN Connections Using PPTP
Select this Internet connection type to create a virtual private network (VPN).
1. Connect to the WavePoint 10e either through an Ethernet cable connected to Ethernet
port 3 or 4 or through the computer's wireless options.
2. Use a web browser to access the Configuration pages.
3. On the Network menu, click WAN > WAN IPv4 Setup.
4. In the Wan Type field, select the WAN port to configure.
5. In the Address Mode field, select an option:
l Dynamic IP - Select this option if a static IP address has not been assigned.
The ISP automatically assigns an IP address.
l Static IP - Select this option if the ISP has assigned a fixed (static or permanent) IP
l Enter the IP address and the Subnet Mask in the designated fields
6. Enter the Username and Password required to log in to the ISP.
7. Optional: In the Service field, distinguish the two servers using the same Username and
Password combination.
Note: With PPTP, servers using IP addresses cannot be specified.
However, the particular server to connect to can be specified in the Service
8. Select the Authentication Type to use:
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