Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
3. Configuring Point-to-MultiPoint Networks
User-Reference Manual
LUM0110AA Rev Jan-2019 Page 69 of 143 Copyright © 2019FreeWave
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3.4. Overlapping MultiPoint Networks
Overlapping MultiPoint networks may be set up effectively when several key parameters are set
correctly. Overlapping MultiPoint networks are defined as networks using different Master radios,
which share or overlap in a specific geographic area. It may also include collocated radios
configured into different networks.
For more information, see Application Note #5412, Synchronizing Collocated Masters (Multi-
Master Sync Mode) (available from
Collocated MultiPoint networks require these parameters be unique for each network:
l Network ID (unless using the Call Book)
l Frequency Key (with Repeater Frequency)
l Max Packet Size
l Min Packet Size
Note: For more information about the installation of Point-to-MultiPoint networks, contact FreeWave
Technical Support.
See Contact FreeWave Technical Support on page 8
3.5. Establishing Communication with Other Radios in a
MultiPoint Network
For the radios in the network to communicate successfully, the radio needs to know what other
devices are available for them to communicate with. Use the Network ID or the Call Book.
FREEWAVE Recommends: While the Call Book is an option in Point-to-MultiPoint networks,
FreeWave strongly recommends using the Network ID feature in most applications.
If a large MultiPoint network is implemented using the Call Book and a radio needs to be added to or
replaced in the network, each radio in the network must be physically reprogrammed and the new
serial number entered in the radio's Call Book.
This can be a time consuming process and can cause a delay in getting the network back up and
Because the Network ID does not use serial numbers, MultiPoint Master radios and Repeaters may
be added or replaced without reprogramming each Slave radio in the network.
3.5.1. Using the Network ID in MultiPoint Networks
The Network ID parameter is located on the MultiPoint Parameters tab. In a single network,
assign each radio the same Network ID. Slave radios link with the first Master or Repeater it
hears that has a matching Network ID.
When setting the Network ID:
l The value can be any value between 1 and 4095, except 255.
l 255 enables the Call Book.