
Adjusting the Oven Temperature
Your oventhermostat has been precisely setat the factory. Thissetting maydifferfrom your previous oven, however, so your recipe
times may not give you the results you expect. Ifyou think that the oven iscooking too hot or cool for your recipe times, you can
adjust the thermostat so that the oven cooks hotter or cooler than the temperature displayed.
To Adjust Oven Temperature:
1. Pressand hold the BAKE pad for 8 seconds. The display now indicates the amount of degrees offset between the original
factory temperature setting and the current temperature setting. Ifthe oven control has the original factory calibration, the
display will read "0".
2. Thetemperaturecan now be adjusted up or down 35°For 19°C, in I°F or 1°C steps by pushing and holding the UPor DOWN
ARROW pad. Adjust until the desired amount of degrees offset appears inthe display. When lowering the oven temperature,
a minus sign (-)will appear before the number to indicate that the oven will be cooler by the displayed amount of degrees.
3. When you have made the desired adjustment, wait 5 seconds and the display will go back to the time of day.
Note: Oven temperature adjustment made will not change the Self-Cleaning or Broil feature temperature.