
Setting Oven Controls
Note: The time of day must first be set in order to operate the oven.
To Set or Change the Temperature for Baking
The oven can be programrned to bake at any ternperature from 170% to 550% (77°C to 288°0.
To Set the Controls for Baking:
I. Pressthe BAKE pad.' .... appears in the display.
2. Within 5 seconds, Pressthe UP or DOWN ARROW pad. The displayw[H show "350°F (177°C)." By holding the UP or DOWN
ARROW pad, the temperature can then be adjusted in 5°F(1°C if control is set to display Celsius) increments.
3. 8 seconds after the UP or DOWN ARROW pad is released, the oven will begin heating to the selected temperature. When
the displayed temperature reachesthe desired baking temperature, the preheat indicator lightwill turn OFF.
4. To cancel the baking function, pressthe CLEAR/OFF or STOP pad.
To Change the Oven Temperature after Baking has Started:
Pressthe UP or DOWN ARROW pad to increase or decrease the set temperature.
To Set Control for Continuous Bake or 12 Hour Energy Saving:
The oven control has a buik-in 12 Hour Energy Saving feature that w[]] shut off the oven iftile control is [efton for more than 11
hours and 59 minutes. The oven can be programmed to override this feature for continuous baking.
To set control for continuous baking:
1. Pressand hold the TIMER ON/OFF or STOP pad for 7 seconds until a tone is heard.
2. Within 5seconds, pressthe UPor DOWN ARROW pad to switch between Continuous Bakeand 12 Hour Energy%ving mode.
The display wi[[ show either "---- hr" or "12hr".
if "--hr" appears, the oven wi][ be setto continuous baking. If "12hr" appears, the oven is setto 12 hour energy saving mode.
3. Wait 5 seconds or press the CLEAR/OFF or STOP pad to accept the changes.
To Set Control for Oven Lockout (some models):
The control can be programmed to lockthe oven door (some models) and/or lock the oven control pads (a[[ models).The Oven
Lockout feature prevents the oven from being accidentally turned on. it does not disable the dock, minute timer or the interior
oven light.
To Set Control for Oven Lockout feature:
1. Pressthe CLEAR/OFF or STOP pad and hold for 3 seconds. The "Door Locked" indicator lightwill flash and the motor driven
door lock wi[I begin to close automatically. DO NOT open the oven door while the indicator light is flashing. Allow about
15 seconds for the oven door to lock. Once the oven door is locked, "Loc " wi]] appear in display.
2. To cancel the Oven lockoutfeature, press the CLEAR/OFF or STOP pad and hold for 3 seconds. The control wi[I unlock the
oven door and resume normal operation.