
49-40146v08 12.15.00 15:22 Page 33
Before You Call For Service...
Control Panel Lighted, Yet
Oven Will Not Start?
Door not securely closed. Open l}_edoor
and close securely.
STAR'[ pad not pressed _ffter emoting
cooking selection. Press START.
Another selection emered _dready in oven
and ClYAR/OFF pad riot pressed lo
cancel it. Pres_sCIYAR/OIq<
Cooking time riot entered alter pressing
COOK TIME. Make sm-e you have enlemd
cooking time _flier pressing COOK 'IIME.
C[£AR/OFF was pressed accidental b.
Reset cooking progamn and press S'I?AR [.
Food weight riot entered alter selecting
Aim) Del:rost. Make sure you have emcred
li)od weight alk-r selecting Aura I)efi-ost.
Things That Are Normal
Steam or vapor escapi_lgfrom around the
i,ight reflection around door or ouler case.
Dimming oven light and change in d_e
blower _)und at power levels o_ler _lan
[)1111thumping sound while oven is
liE<radio inlerlkrence might be noticed
while using lhe microwave. Similar m
fl_e inlerlb,_nce caused _ ofl_er small
appliances, it does riot indicale a proDlem
will lhe mica)wave. Phlg _le microwave
inlo a di_rent eleclrical cirolit, move
file radio or TV as lhr aw_ l]-onl lhe
microwave _ po_ible, or check file
position mid sig] ml of|he flY/radio
all [_Jilila,