Conv. Fan
Low J1-2
High J1-7
out K1
Cooling Fan
Low J1-3
High J1-4
Bake X X X X X X
Broil X X X
Conv. Bake X X X X X X
Conv. Roast X X X X X X
Clean X X X X X
Locking X
Unlocking X
Light X
Door Open X X
Door Closed
Air Sous Vide X X
Dehydrate X X
NOTES: Bake, broil, and convection elements alternate cycles. Convection fans may run during preheat and may run intermittently
during non-convection functions to improve cooking performance.
Fault Code Description of Error Code Suggested Corrective Action
F001, F002,
F004, F005
Touch failure Disconnect power, wait 30 seconds and reapply power. If fault returns upon power-up replace the oven user interface board.
F003 The oven user interface board is incorrectly
Replace the oven user interface board. Make sure to install the latest revision available for this model.
F010 Oven temperature runaway: the detected
oven temperature is higher than the maxi-
mum safe operating temperature.
1. If oven is overheating, disconnect power. Check oven temperature probe (RTD) and replace if necessary.
2. If the oven temperature probe is good and if oven continues to overheat when power is reapplied, replace the oven relay board.
F011 Stuck key: control detects that a key is con-
tinuously pressed for 30 seconds or more. If
a key was pressed inadvertently for a long
time this error code will be displayed.
1. Make sure there is nothing (water, utensils) in contact with the keyboard. The fault code should go away once the key is released and the Stop key
is pressed. If the F011 error comes back when a key is pressed it means the error condition is still there. If the F011 error does not come back it
means the error condition is gone and the oven can be used.
2. If the fault code cannot be cleared, the board/springs alignment within the mechanical enclose maybe a󰀨ected. Reinstall the board within the
3. If reinstalling the board did not x the problem replace the oven user interface board.
F012 Keyboard conguration alarm: the oven user
interface board received a key code that
does not match the key map from the touch
micro controller.
1. Verify the unit has the proper conguration is loaded, based on the model number and parts catalog.
2. If problem persists, replace the oven user interface board.
F013 Data written to non-volatile memory has
failed verication.
Disconnect power, wait 30 seconds and reapply power. If fault returns upon power-up replace the oven user interface board.
F015 Keyboard error Disconnect power, wait 30 seconds and reapply power. If fault returns upon power-up replace the oven user interface board.
F017 The oven user interface board is unable to
congure the touch.
1. Disconnect power to the unit, wait 30 seconds, then reapply power.
2. Verify the unit has the proper oven user interface board and conguration, based on the model number and parts catalog.
3. If fault persists, replace the oven user interface.
F018 Oven relay board failure (wiggler) Replace the oven relay board.
F019 The oven user interface board is unable to
congure the oven relay board.
1. Disconnect power to the unit, wait 30 seconds, then reapply power.
2. If fault returns, verify connection between the oven user interface board and the oven relay board (MACS1 or MACS2 connector).
3. Verify the unit has the proper oven user interface board and oven relay board, based on the model number and parts catalog.
4. If fault persists, replace oven user interface board.
5. If fault persists, replace the relay board.
F020 Communication failure between the oven
user interface board and the cooktop user
1. Disconnect power, wait 30 seconds and reapply power. Check if error condition is still there.
2. Test wiring harness between oven user interface board and cooktop user Interface (connector MACS1 or MACS2).
3. If wiring harness is good replace oven relay board.
4. If the problem persists replace the oven user interface.
F022 Communication failure between the oven
user interface board and the oven relay
1. Disconnect power, wait 30 seconds and reapply power. Check if error condition is still there.
2. Test wiring harness between oven user interface board and oven relay board (connector MACS1 or MACS2).
3. If wiring harness is good replace oven relay board.
4. If the problem persists replace the oven user interface.
F023 Communication failure between the oven
user interface microcontroller and the touch
1. Disconnect power, wait 30 seconds and reapply power. Check if error condition is still there.
2. If the problem persists replace the oven user interface.
F025, F027 The communication between the oven user
interface and the oven relay board cannot
be initiated.
1. Disconnect power to the unit, wait 30 seconds, then reapply power.
2. If fault returns, verify connection between the oven user interface board and the oven relay board (MACS1 or MACS2 connector).
3. Verify the unit has the proper oven user interface board and oven relay board, based on the model number and parts catalog.
4. If fault persists, replace relay board.
5. If fault persists, replace the oven user interface board.
F028, F029 The communication between the over user
interface microcontroller and the touch
microcontroller cannot be initiated.
1. Disconnect power to the unit, wait 30 seconds, then reapply power.
2. Verify the unit has the proper oven user interface board and conguration, based on the model number and parts catalog.
3. If fault persists, replace the oven user interface.
F030 Open oven temperature sensor (RTD) 1. Check probe circuit wiring for possible open or short condition.
2. Verify RTD resistance at room temperature (compare to probe resistance chart). If resistance does not match the chart, replace the RTD probe.
3. If the problem persists replace the oven relay board.
F031 Shorted oven temperature probe (RTD)
F033 Meat probe temperature sensor shorted or
too hot
1. The error is triggered if the meat probe sees a temperature in excess of 392°F. Make sure the meat probe was not used in such way that it could
have seen such temperature. If the tip of the probe is not inserted in the meat it will see the cavity temperature, which can be higher than 392°F
(depending on the setpoint) and trigger the alarm.
2. When the meat probe is connected to the socket inside the oven cavity, if the meat probe is not fully inserted into the socket it may short the con-
tacts and cause the error. Make sure the probe is inserted as much as it can.
3. Verify meat probe resistance at room temperature. Compare to meat probe resistance chart. If the meat probe does not match the chart, replace it.
4. If the above steps failed to correct the problem, replace the oven relay board.
F45 (F47) Cooling Fan Speed low in Upper (Lower)
cavity. (Microcombi will display F45 for lower
1. Check if cooling fan blades are blocked.
2. Conrm tachometer harness is connected on fan and oven control.
3. Replace cooling fan/ replace oven control.
F46 (F48) Cooling Fan Speed High in Upper (Lower)
cavity. (Microcombi will display F46 for lower
1. Check for mechanical obstruction in the air path.
2. Replace cooling fan/ replace oven control.
F050 A/D Out of Range: the oven relay board is
unable to read the status of the switches
(door, MDL)
1. Clear error, cycle power a couple of times and check if error is back, if so replace power board.
2. If error persists, eplace door switch plunger/s and reseat harness.
3. If error persists, check MDL and harness.
F090 MDL mechanism failure. The oven control
does not see the MDL running.
1. Disconnect power to the unit, wait 30 seconds, then reapply power. Try again to make the door lock or unlock (ex: initiate a lockout or a clean cycle).
2. Check if the MDL motor is running or not. If it is not running, test the wiring between the MDL and the oven relay board. If the wiring is good, check if
there is 120VAC at the motor when it is expected to run to see if the failure originates from a bad motor (120VAC present but not turning) or a prob-
lem with the relay board (J20 pin 10 on the oven relay board is the output to the Lock Motor). The lock motor can also be tested by applying 120VAC
directly to the motor (unplug it from the relay board rst). If the lock motor does not run when 120VAC is applied replace the lock motor assembly. If
the relay board that does not provide 120VAC to the lock motor, replace the oven relay board.
3. If the Lock Motor is running but the oven control cannot nd the locked or unlocked position (ex: motor turns continuously until F90 fault code is
generated) the lock switch needs to be veried. Check wiring between lock switch and oven relay board. Verify with ohmmeter if the switch makes
contact properly (verify continuity with ohmmeter when the switch is pressed). If the lock switch is defective replace the motor lock assembly.
4. If all above steps failed to correct the situation, replace the oven relay board.
F095 MDL mechanism failure. The Motor Door
Lock does not stop running or the Lock
Switch sends an invalid signal.
1. The problem can be caused by a faulty lock switch or by a defective oven relay board. If the MDL is always running (as if the relay controlling it is
stuck closed) replace the oven relay board.
2. If the motor is not always running replace the motor lock assembly.
F096 The oven door has been detected open
during a self-clean cycle.
1. This error occurs if the door switch has lost its contact during a self-clean cycle. Make sure the oven door closes well and fully presses on the door
switch plunger when the door is locked, and no one attempted to pull on the oven door during the self-clean cycle.
2. Test continuity of wiring between the door switch and the oven relay board, make sure the door switch is well connected. With an ohmmeter, verify
the switch is closed when the plunger is pressed. If the door switch is found to be defective replace the door switch.
3. If the switch and wiring are good and the problem persists, replace the oven relay board.
Fault Code Description of Error Code Suggested Corrective Action
F097 MDL invalid state 1. This error occurs when the motor door lock can’t nd home position. Cycle the power for 30 seconds.
2. If the error persist change OVC
F098 Magnetron case sensor probe shorted 1. This error occurs when the NTC sensor located on the magnetron fails. Replace NTC sensor.
2. Verify magnetron cooling fan functionality. If cooling fan fails, replace cooling fan.
3. If problem persists, replace magnetron.
F099 Magnetron case sensor probe open This error occurs when the NTC sensor located on the magnetron fails. Replace NTC sensor.
1. Verify magnetron cooling fan functionality. If cooling fan fails, replace cooling fan.
2. If problem persists, replace magnetron.
F100 Magnetron case sensor temperature over-
temp limit
1. This error occurs when the NTC sensor located on the magnetron detects a temperature above the limit. Turn o󰀨 the microwave and wait for the
temperature to cool down.
2. Replace NTC sensor.
3. Verify magnetron cooling fan functionality. If cooling fan fails, replace cooling fan.
4. if problem persists, replace magnetron.
F101 Magnetron auto power limit active (based on
temperature overtemp)
1. This error occurs when the NTC sensor located on the magnetron detects a temperature above the limit and the magnetron self powered OFF. Turn
o󰀨 the microwave and wait for the temperature to cool down.
2. Replace NTC sensor.
3. Verify magnetron cooling fan functionality. If cooling fan fails, replace cooling fan.
4. If problem persists, replace magnetron.
F102 Magnetron auto power limit active (based on
runtime limit exceeded)
1. This error occurs when the magnetron detects a running time above the maximum allowed time limit and the magnetron self powered OFF. Turn o󰀨
the microwave and wait for the temperature to cool down.
2. If problem persists, replace magnetron.
F104 Loss of communication between GPU and
This error occurs when the communication between the GPU-OUI or OUI-GPU is lost.
1. Test the GPU connection and secure ribbons.
2. Cycle power to reestablish communication.
3. If problem persists, replace oven control.
F105 Wake Up procedure failure between OUI and
GPU. This error occurs when the OUI can’t
communicate with the GPU at power up.
1. Cycle the power for 30 seconds
2. If problem persist, replace oven control (OUI and GPU).
F106 GPU conguration error. This error occurs
when the conguration on the GPU fails to
1. Cycle the power for 30 seconds
2. If problem persist, replace oven control (OUI and GPU).
F107 Loss of Communication Between OUI and
NIU. This error occurs when the NIU stops
communicating with the OUI.
Replace electronic controls (OUI-GPU-NIU)
F108 (Connection Fail – try again). NIU provi-
sioning failed. (This error can occur only in
manufacturing – not at user end). The GPU
will display “ Connection failed – Try again”
instead of error message. This error occurs
when the onboarding process failed on the
1. Verify that the network is available and connected to the Internet.
2. Cycle the power for 30 seconds and try to nalize the onboarding process again.
3. Follow screen instructions.
F109 OTA failed.
This error occurs when the NIU is unable to
complete an update over the network.
1. Verify that the home network is available and connected to the internet.
2. Verify that the appliance is connected to the Internet.
3. Follow the screen instructions.
4. Cycle the power and try to nalize the update.
5. If problem persists, call the brand’s customer service. See Use and Care manual for contact information.
F110 NIU Serialization failed. (This error can occur
only in manufacturing – not at user end).
The GPU will display “ Serialization Failed
– Try again” instead of error message. This
error occurs when the serialization process
failed on the NIU.
1. Verify that the appliance is connected to the network and NIU MAC address is visible on the network.
2. Cycle the power for 30 seconds
3. Try to serialize the NIU again.
F111 Touch screen error from GPU. This error oc-
curs when the GPU touch screen becomes
irresponsive or malfunctions.
1. Cycle the power for 30 seconds.
2. If the error persists, replace GPU/OUI (electronic control board)