
Safety precautions
11. Do not open the unit during
operation. It may cause electric
shock or injury.
12. Do not drink water drained from
air conditioner. It may contain
contaminates that could make you
13. Do not disassemble or modify unit.
It may cause failure of appliance,
electric shock and void the
14. When the air filter is to be
removed, do not touch the metal
parts of the unit. It may cause an
15. When the unit is to be cleaned,
power off, and turn off the circuit
breaker. Do not clean unit when
power is on as it may cause fire,
electric shock or injury.
16. Avoid direct exposure of
occupants to air flow.
17. Turn off the main power switch
when not using the unit for a long
18. The air conditioner may be dusted
with an oil free cloth or washed
with a cloth dampened in a
solution of warm water and mild
dishwashing detergent. Rinse
thoroughly and wipe dry. Wring
excess water from cloth before
wiping around controls.
19. Always insert the filters securely.
Clean filter once every two weeks.
Operation without filters may
cause failure.
20. Always install circuit breaker and
a dedicated power circuit. No
installation may cause fire and
electric shock.
21. Do not place obstacles around
air-inlets or inside of air-outlet. It
may cause failure of appliance or